“Symbols Of Salvation”



In the name of our Promised Savior, dear friends in Christ.  Do you like reading a good mystery novel?  Back when I was in the Army, I remember being fascinated by my first Agatha Christie book.  And I used to be a big fan of the TV show, Law & Order because it always kept you guessing about the outcome of the trial.  But do you know what these books and shows have in common?  If you pay close attention, they give you clues all the way through about who done it or how things are going to turn out.  The fun part is trying to figure it out along the way.  Invariably at the end there is always an “Aha!” moment when the pieces of the puzzle fall together and the truth is told.

You know, some people look at the Bible that way.  They act as though God has this intricate story wrapped in hidden clues woven into both the Old and New Testament.  If you listen to these folks, you’d think a secret decoder ring was necessary to discover the mystery of what God was trying to tell us.  What the ancient prophets wrote is treated like cryptic language that’s almost impossible to understand.  And even the words of Jesus are treated as if they’re veiled in a shroud of mystery.

But none of that is true!  As the children showed us in the program, God has been giving us more than just clues about the Savior and His plan of salvation.  In the Bible He gives us real life illustrations that help us grasp these important facts which reveal His great love for us.  And He uses clear language to do it.  In order to make it more memorable, God has lovingly given us symbols that remind us of that wonderful story of salvation.  Besides the ones that were shared in the program just think about the rainbow.  That beautiful symbol was placed in the sky by the Lord for the whole world to see. It was a reminder of His promise that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood because of mankind’s sin.  In numerous ways like this God used symbols to help tell the story of sin, forgiveness, Christ’s sacrifice for us, and our salvation.

But the best part is that it’s not complicated.  You don’t need a college degree to comprehend what God is saying. You don’t need special books to help you decipher the story that these symbols point to.   No, the Lord made it all so simple and clear that even a child can grasp the good news of Jesus.  In fact, I wonder sometimes if they don’t “get it” easier than us “educated” adults. They hear the story and see the symbols of salvation and they are filled with a joy that can’t be contained.  No wonder Jesus told us that we needed to have the faith of a child in order to see the kingdom of God!

My hope and prayer is that all of you were able to bask in the glow of that joy this morning.  I pray that you were able to see and receive that good news of Christ’s birth like one of these little ones.  And I pray that you’ll leave here today with those clear symbols of salvation firmly planted in your memory so that throughout this Christmas season, and throughout your whole life, you’ll be reminded of God’s great love for you whenever you see them. May God fill you with that joy of salvation as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus.  Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria!
