Vacation Bible School

Celebrate the Savior

Monday, July 8 thru Thursday, July 13

5:30 - 8:00pm each day

Zion and St John churches will hold a joint Vacation Bible School entitled “Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy” at Zion beginning on Monday, July 8th thru Thursday, July 11th, from 5:30 – 8:00p each day.  Throughout this program, we will emphasize how Jesus gives us joy through exciting games, lively music, and more! Let's Celebrate the Savior!



   We are in need of more adult volunteers.

Please sign up in the entryway, or speak with Kyle & Lisa Puhrmann or Janet Miller if you are willing to help. 

Children do NOT need to be members of Zion to attend our VBS!

Click Here to register your child or to become a volunteer.



Would you like to make a donation to our VBS program?  

If so, please click here:  Zion St John VBS Donations

A new tab will open in your browser.  Click on the "Donate" button under our VBS logo.


