“Manger Tales”



In the name of Jesus, dear friends in Christ. Our Christmas Program was certainly interesting and quite entertaining, wasn’t it?  That’s not a bad thing.  Sometimes I think we’ve heard the events of Christ’s birth so often in the past that it becomes stale and unexciting to us.  Besides, God never said we can’t laugh in church.  Just so long as we don’t let the humor distract us from the core message.  And that message is certainly a joyful one for us all.

But did you find parts of the program to be a tad bit unbelievable?  I mean, who ever heard of talking animals let alone beasts having rational brains that could communicate at this level?  If that actually happened, we’d say it was supernatural.  And yet, have you ever stopped to think about all the supernatural things that are recorded in the Bible about Jesus’ birth?  First, there’s the angel Gabriel telling Mary that she will conceive the Christ Child. An angel appearing in itself is outside of the normal realm.  But the conception of a child occurring without the natural relations between a man and a woman is definitely supernatural.  And what about the timing?  Only God could coordinate the birth of Christ to happen right when the Roman governor ordered a census to be taken.  It conveniently forced Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem where God promised the Savior would be born.  It wasn’t coincidence.  It was part of a supernatural plan.  And what about the star that led the wise men?  Its movement was certainly supernatural.

Perhaps the most amazing, supernatural thing, though, was the incarnation itself.  The incarnation is the fancy term we use to describe how the 2nd Person of the Trinity, God’s Son, joined Himself to human flesh in the womb of Mary. Jesus was 100% God while at the same time 100% human.  How can that be?  Well, it’s a supernatural miracle because this kind of thing just doesn’t happen in nature. This was the first and only time it ever has or ever will occur.

And yet, in relation to all these supernatural things that God did 2,000 years ago, He continues to cause more of them to take place today.  Consider this: the story of Christ’s birth and His mission to save us would simply be a fairy tale if we didn’t have faith.  And where do we get faith?  We can’t generate it on our own.  It must be given to us as a free gift.  That’s where the supernatural part comes in.  Yesterday we had another Baptism.  On the outside, people only saw natural water being poured over a baby’s head. But that water was supernatural because God’s Word was connected to it.  Through that supernatural water the Holy Spirit washed away Faye’s sins and gave her the precious and life-giving gift of saving faith.  And that’s what He’s done for all of us who have been Baptized.

Likewise, God’s Holy Word is supernatural because of the work that it does in people’s hearts.  Through it, He changes people.  And we have the same thing in the Lord’s Supper.  Jesus Christ comes to us supernaturally with His body and blood in the bread and wine.  Just like the incarnation, that kind of thing just doesn’t happen in nature.  And yet, as Gabriel told Mary, nothing is impossible with God.

My hope and prayer is that you’ll go home today and ponder on the wondrous, supernatural birth of Jesus.  Ponder how He supernaturally paid for the sins of the whole world by His death on the cross.  Ponder His supernatural rising from the dead.  And ponder how God has supernaturally applied that payment for sin to us and for our salvation.  As that fills your heart with awe, may it give you added joy as you once again celebrate the birth of our gracious Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria
