“God’s Beautiful, Orderly Design”

1 Timothy 2:1-15


In the name of our Creator God, dear friends in Christ.  The orderly design of the universe is perhaps the most powerful fact that expose the theory of evolution as a lie.  There is absolutely no way that all this simply fell into place by some accident.  For example, the planets spin around in their orbit without smashing into one another. Our earth has been positioned the perfect distance from the sun in order to sustain life.  Any closer and we’d burn up, any farther and we’d freeze to death. That orderly design can even be seen in something so basic as the changing seasons.  If that’s not enough, then consider the intricate design of the human body.  The eye converts rays of light into an image that it sends to the brain which is truly amazing.  It couldn’t have developed by some random chance.

As Christians, we know that God is the designer and maker of it all.  Looking at the creation, it’s obvious that God loves orderliness.  This was His plan for how our world should function at its best for our good.  God even set up an orderly design for how we humans are to interact with one another and also with Him.  In our Epistle lesson, St. Paul instructs Timothy along with the Church about how that orderliness ought to direct our conduct in worship. But in the process, Paul also reveals God’s beautiful, orderly design for the family, society, and even our government. When we cooperate with that orderliness it’s beautiful and brings peace and joy.  However, when we rebel against His design it’s ugly and brings trouble and chaos.  The only question is, which path are we pursuing?

You’ll notice that Paul starts by calling for us to pray for our government. That may be a bitter pill for you to swallow depending on who’s running our country.  At times, you may agree with how they’re doing.  Other times, you’re grinding your teeth over what you perceive to be a disaster in the making.  Regardless, Paul tells us to pray for them.  Why? Because God allowed them to be in that position for His purposes.  Good, bad, or in between, God uses our government to maintain order so that the Gospel can be spread to all people.  The better they do at their civil leadership, the better it is for us as citizens and for the Church.  So, we pray for them.  We pray that the Lord would guide them to act justly.  And if they don’t, we pray that He would thwart any plans for evil.  But either way, we pray that God’s orderly design would result in good things; the greatest good being the salvation of our fellow sinners in the world.

 Since these prayers are especially supposed to be offered up in the church, Paul turns his attention to the orderliness of the service.  Here again, God has a beautiful design for how this is supposed to work. Whenever I meet with a couple for their premarital classes, I always remind the man that it is his responsibility to lead his family in prayer and devotions.  And it’s his God-given responsibility to make sure his family worships together.  Far too many women are left to do this alone.  That’s not the order of how God designed it to be.  When men are fulfilling this role, it’s a beautiful thing to behold.  When they refuse to follow this orderly design it’s ugly and not pleasing to God. Gentlemen, if you’ve failed at this then it’s time to repent and ask the good Lord to forgive you.

As in the home, so also in the church, the men are to be the leaders when it comes to our spiritual life.  And here too, when men refuse to step up and fulfill these roles it leaves a void which can only lead to confusion and chaos.  Men are to be encouraged to fill these leadership positions so that God’s orderliness can make the church run smoothly.  But Paul warns against the inevitable power struggles that will happen due to our sinfulness.  Angry words and bitterness have no place in the family of God.  Instead, just like our civil government, we are to respect those who are in positions of authority and pray for them.

Next, Paul turns his attention to the women.  He says that what makes you beautiful is on the inside, not on the outside. Don’t misunderstand.  Paul isn’t suggesting that ladies shouldn’t dress nice, do their hair, or wear jewelry to church.  Rather, he’s warning against projecting an ostentatious appearance that says, “Hey, look at me!”  That kind of an attitude makes a woman ugly not beautiful.    We live in a crazy world that is constantly trying to make women discontent with how they look on the outside when what really matters is the condition of their inner being.  Do you know what God finds attractive?  A woman’s heart that finds joy and contentment in serving Him in the roles He has given her.  Christian men should look for those qualities when they’re in the market for a wife. 

Not only does God have an orderly design for the leadership roles in the administration of the church, but especially when it comes to worship.  Plain and simple, Paul says the position of Pastor is to be filled by a man.  That’s what he means when he says that women are to learn quietly in the church.  He’s not saying that ladies and girls can’t sing or participate in the spoken portions of the liturgy.  No.  But when it comes to leading worship as well as the public preaching and teaching in the church, that is to be filled by a man because this is God’s design.  I realize that some Christian denominations allow for women Pastors.  But they’ve clearly ignored what Paul says here and elsewhere on the matter.  It’s true that some women are better public speakers than some of the male Pastors I know (plus they’re better looking.)  Regardless, it’s improper for them to fill this role that God has reserved for men.  Think of it this way.  What if I insisted that I wanted to conceive and carry a baby in my body?  You’re laughing, as well you should.  Even though there are crazy people in our world who claim that a man can get pregnant, it’s silly and not possible.  God did not create men for that role.   And it’s just as improper for women to desire the role of Pastor, which they were not created for.  Contrary to what some people think, we’re not a bunch of misogynists in the Missouri Synod. We’re simply trying to follow God’s plan for the good of His Church.  Besides, the Lord doesn’t call all men into the holy ministry either.  Only a tiny percentage are.  So, it’s not about gender.  It’s about willingly submitting ourselves to God’s orderly design.

Considering the illustration that I just gave about pregnancy; we need to spend a little time figuring out the point that Paul is trying to make in the last 3 verses of our text.  Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, I’d like to read to you what a respected Pastor-friend of mine wrote about this.  He’s a much better theologian than me and his explanation is spot on: {St. Paul says}, “Adam was formed first, then Eve”; which means that the order of creation was established even before the fall into sin.  And “Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor”; which tells us that the order stands even after the fall.  And then finally this: “Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.”  It’s a verse that I believe to be translated incorrectly.  The word “she” does not appear in the Greek text.  And if you follow the structure of Paul’s argument, it goes: Adam this, Eve that; Adam this, Eve that.  Consistent with that pattern, the first subject of the next sentence – the one about being saved through childbearing – should be Adam again. What’s there is passive verb in the third person singular without a pronoun.  So what it says is that “someone” will be saved – but it doesn’t specify if that someone is male or female.  So, if you follow the structure of the discussion, it makes far more sense to take Adam as the subject of the verb.  What it says then is that he will be saved through childbearing.  It harks back to Genesis chapter three when the Lord promises to send a Savior for the human race.  The Lord says that it’s through the woman that the Savior will come into the world.  The idea is that even though the man has been placed in charge, God’s plan to save mankind depends on women and their unique vocation of bearing children.  He’s telling them – and us – that neither men nor women are on their own.  We need each other.  God’s plan of salvation depends upon it, and that we men in particular need to appreciate and honor women for their calling and their vital role in our salvation. Then together we will be saved as we continue in Christian faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

Since the fall of mankind was mentioned in those verses, it would be good to remember how sin was introduced into our world.  First of all, Satan got kicked out of heaven because he wouldn’t accept God’s orderly design.  He wanted to be on par (or above) Almighty God.  And isn’t that the exact same sin that he tempted Eve with?  Satan promised that by eating the fruit she could be like God; equal with Him.  By doing so, though, she was rebelling against God’s order of creation.  Adam joined the rebellion by not fulfilling his God-given leadership role.  Instead, he acquiesced and followed the lead of his wife into sin.  From there on out, that sin of disorder spiraled out of control, ruining the peace and harmony of God’s design for mankind. Thankfully, the Lord had a plan to restore that holy order.  It required the promise of a Savior who, as we just heard, would be born of a woman fulfilling her God-given role.  That Savior, of course, was Jesus Christ.  Even though He is coequal with God the Father, He willingly subordinated Himself by coming down to earth and taking on human flesh.  He submitted Himself to the Father’s will and suffered the punishment for our sins on the cross.  Now, by His death and resurrection, Jesus has restored order to our fallen sinful world.  As we confess our sins and receive His forgiveness that restoration takes place.  Through faith in Him, we can once again fulfill the beautiful, orderly design of God.

 I challenge you to investigate all of the Scriptures as well as the rest of the history of the world.  I guarantee that you’ll find an irrefutable law of nature that God put into place.  Whenever people live contrary to God’s design then only ugly, chaotic unhappiness exists.  But when mankind lives according to the Lord’s orderly design there is beauty, joy, and harmony.  Only believers who trust in the Savior can experience that.  Knowing who you are, what God created you to be and then living according to it brings indescribable peace.  So go and live out your calling in life.  Fulfill the roles that God has created you for and find contentment in that. Serve the Lord gladly in those roles and rejoice in His beautiful, orderly design.  It’s for your good and ultimately for your salvation.  Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria
